The world is a tough place full of bad things but you can rise above that and escape in your mind with moments of Joy…

– Bare feet on damp, soft grass
– A dog running, ears flopping, almost smiling
– That first kiss
– A newborn baby wrapping its hand around your finger
– The smell of babies or puppie’s breath
– Spotting a bobcat, coyote or an elk while hiking
– The sun on your face
– Knowing you are loved
– Sitting on the couch with your dog’s head laying on your lap
– The warmth of a hot car the moment you get into it
– The smell of fresh-brewed coffee or bacon cooking
– Seeing your child graduate from kindergarten or high school or basic combat military training
– The moment you say “I do” to the one you love forever
– The first time you hold your child
– Physical exhaustion at the end of a workout
– Mental exhaustion at the end of a project
– That recognition you have everything, when you look at your family
– The feeling you have when you’ve accomplished a difficult task
– The first sip of freshly brewed coffee in the morning
– Surviving a deadly disease
– One more day of sobriety or being drug free
– Seeing your child take their first steps
– Overcoming a major hurdle
– Seeing your child was born with all its fingers and toes
– The smell of cookies baking in the oven
– When your family survives a hurricane or catastrophe
– Sitting next to your child and saying nothing
– Knowing you can go one more day without a cigarette or diet coke
– The excited welcome of your beloved dog as you open the door
– Hearing your child’s cry at birth
– The certainty that you and your partner can survive anything
– Waking up next to a loving spouse
– Knowing your child is alive
– Seeing your house survived a forest fire
– Running your fastest until you’re tired and winded
– Reaching the top of the hill
– Being surrounded by friends
– Finding your purpose
– Bare feet in warm sand
– Sitting on a beach with a view, cocktail in hand
– Cold beer on a hot day
– The warm caress of a man’s hand as it glides down your back
– Digging bare toes into wet sand on a tropical beach
– A hole in one
– The soft lips of a beautiful woman
– The purr of a million dollar car
– When a small hand reaches up for yours

Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash